diwali 2022

Every festival has importance in our life. Be it Makarsankranti or Rakshabandhan, Ganesh Chaturthi or Navratri. Diwali has a special significance. The excitement of the day of Diwali, and the preparations before Diwali arrive, all these stages are as important as the occasion itself.

Why is Diwali Important?

Diwali is the festival of Lakshmi, so it is the biggest festival for the entire mankind. Not only India, but the whole world should also understand the importance of Diwali and celebrate it with joy. Without Lakshmi, if Lord Vishnu himself, the creator of this world, did not work, then we are all poor human beings.

This world runs because of masculinity. This world develops when every person in the world is doing Purushartha. Farmers produce grain, factory owners-workers produce goods, scientists make discoveries, economists manage financial transactions, judiciary and police maintain law and order, teachers conduct studies from kindergarten to Ph.D., and writers create literature. , the world moves to become more beautiful, the world progresses when musicians compose music or sweepers keep your village clean.

At the center of this progress is the masculinity of all these individuals. His Lakshmi is what he earns as a result of his masculinity. When we worship Lakshmi, we may symbolically worship the silver Ranichapa rupees inherited by our grandfather, but in reality, we worship Purushartha. Lakshmi Puja means the worship of Purushartha. Diwali is the day of Lakshmi’s mahatma, the day of the mahatma of masculinity in life. As of today, money is obtained as a result of Purushartha, therefore Lakshmiji has become a symbol of it.

The day of Diwali is the day to understand/explain that masculinity has the greatest importance in life. A child prepares himself for manhood by studying, training, and trying to understand the curiosities of this world until he earns it. It is the duty of all, except those suffering from an incurable disease or those who have become physically infirm due to old age, to perform Purushartha continuously. Housewives, whose masculinity does not result in money, have a much higher level of masculinity than men because, through the contribution of these housewives, the life of the family is organized and regular for those who earn money through masculinity. The value of the invisible Lakshmi thus entering the house by housewives is as great as the Lakshmi received through currency notes, incomparable.

This world runs only with money, that is, with masculinity. Even rich people are blessed by placing a portion of the results of their manhood at the feet of the saints as an acknowledgment of debt. Thus money is also important along with masculinity

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