The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) offers a variety of life insurance policies that can help you secure your financial future. One such policy is the LIC Jeevan Anand policy, which offers a guaranteed return of Rs 25 lakh on maturity if you invest Rs 45 per day for 35 years.

The LIC Jeevan Anand policy is a non-linked, participating, whole life insurance policy with a fixed premium payment term. The policy offers a guaranteed death benefit, as well as a maturity benefit, which is the sum assured plus any additional bonuses that have been accrued over the policy term.

The policy also offers a number of other benefits, including:

  • Tax benefits: The premiums paid under the LIC Jeevan Anand policy are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
  • Loan facility: You can avail of a loan against the surrender value of your LIC Jeevan Anand policy.
  • Return of premium: In the event of your death, the nominee will receive the full sum assured, plus any additional bonuses that have been accrued over the policy term.

If you are looking for a life insurance policy that can help you secure your financial future, the LIC Jeevan Anand policy is a good option to consider. The policy offers a guaranteed return of Rs 25 lakh on maturity, as well as a number of other benefits, such as tax benefits and a loan facility.

Features of LIC Jeevan Anand policy

  • Policy type: Non-linked, participating, whole life insurance policy
  • Premium payment term: 35 years
  • Sum assured: Minimum Rs 5 lakh, maximum Rs 25 lakh
  • Death benefit: Guaranteed death benefit of 100% of the sum assured
  • Maturity benefit: Sum assured plus any additional bonuses that have been accrued over the policy term
  • Tax benefits: Premiums paid under the LIC Jeevan Anand policy are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, 1961
  • Loan facility: You can avail of a loan against the surrender value of your LIC Jeevan Anand policy
  • Return of premium: In the event of your death, the nominee will receive the full sum assured, plus any additional bonuses that have been accrued over the policy term

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If you are looking for a life insurance policy that can help you secure your financial future, the LIC Jeevan Anand policy is a good option to consider. The policy offers a guaranteed return of Rs 25 lakh on maturity, as well as a number of other benefits, such as tax benefits and a loan facility.

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